we need to be whole
to be able to fully/wholly surrender to LOVE-DIVINE,
otherwise our surrender & LOVE will remain partial!
what is your deepest un.real pain?
(exiled abuse, neglect, lack or loss)
what is the deepest un.real need behind it?
and what deepest REAL SWEET NEED
does it want to re-mind us of?
click image to open pdf in new tab :-)
(coming soon)
to be able to fully/wholly surrender to LOVE-DIVINE,
otherwise our surrender & LOVE will remain partial!
what is your deepest un.real pain?
(exiled abuse, neglect, lack or loss)
what is the deepest un.real need behind it?
and what deepest REAL SWEET NEED
does it want to re-mind us of?
click image to open pdf in new tab :-)
(coming soon)
Jai JahNitai 💚