time is of utmost value
to the genuine seeker
of eternal loving truth
alignments overview:
(the prices are suggested symbolical energy balances)
a) various 3 points alignments 0,75 hrs = ...
b) various 6 points alignments 1,50 hrs = ...
c) various 9 point alignments 2,25 hrs = ...
d) condensed 9q alignment journey 9,00 hrs = ...
e) 9q alignment-journey + affirmations 12,00 hrs = ...
f) 9q alignment-journey
+affirmations +sigil-mantra +rune-sigils 18,00 hrs = ...
(the alignment-journey can be done
with or without your personal participation
and applied in many different ways,
pls contact me to talk about the possibilities)
g) loving-self-alignment talks or chats
h) OM-love-MATRIX-alignment
i) mantra supported acupressure
j) integral nutrition coaching
k) relationship coaching
l) integral family alignment (IFA)
m) integral harmony communication (IHC)
per hour = ...
one hour of my time should be balanced with as much
currency as you earn in the same time,
or an agreed amount of likes and comments
on one of my social media accounts :-)
spiritual work is invaluable
and cannot be paid for by any wealth of the world.
real gratitude lies in embracing the divine-alignment
and attempting to apply it in one´s own life.
still the recipient of divine-alignment will benefit
if an energy balance is given to prove one,s estimation
and symbolically express one,s gratitude.
the above are just some of our applications,
please feel free to ask for a personal solution.
for further details on the possibilities you can contact me
thru the contact-form (at the bottom of this page)
or on: facebook/108lSa
or: instagram @ailexpansiom
or: parler.com/user/AILE108
if after your proper practice and 28 days
you feel that this has helped you,
u r invited to come back,
leave a testimonial in the contact form
or on my facebook (<-click)
and if u wish u may *donate*
any extra amount u like, to support
the expansion of our soul-services :-)
may you prosper, be happy & healthy,
in body, mind & spirit :-)
JayOm Lakshmi-Dhanvantaray!!!
As pouring water on the root of a tree
energizes the trunk, branches, twigs and everything else,
and as supplying food to the stomach
enlivens the senses and limbs of the body,
simply worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead
through devotional service automatically satisfies the demigods
who are parts of that Supreme Personality
(& the whole world they govern).
the ethics of energy-balancing
we provide
integral loving-Self-alignment coaching
on all 9 levels of existence,
the 7 temporary & 2 eternal planes.
how do the awakened ones
spend their time?
and whom do they spend their time for
or help?
the relevance is where
someone´s motivation originates from
and aims at.
there r 5 categories of goals
& their natural sequence is as follows:
integral loving-Self-alignment coaching
on all 9 levels of existence,
the 7 temporary & 2 eternal planes.
how do the awakened ones
spend their time?
and whom do they spend their time for
or help?
the relevance is where
someone´s motivation originates from
and aims at.
there r 5 categories of goals
& their natural sequence is as follows:
religiosity / reconnection to divinity
or adherence to universal divine truths n laws
it,s natural result is:
economic development
or prosperity
it,s natural result is:
fulfillment of needs and desires
it,s natural result is:
realisation of the futility of
temporary fulfilments
& it,s final result is:
tendency to unfold one,s eternal
love relation with GOD
the motivation for goals 1-3 is very obviously based
on provisionary (non eternal)
and thus untrue self-identifications (false egos),
the motivation for goal 4 is based
on the desire to get rid of those false i.dentifications
(which thus is still rooted in the problems caused by false-ego)
& the motivation for goal 5 is gradually based more and more
on the desire to realise & express
one,s true eternal love identity (true humble ego :-)
we can thus see that for the awakened one the motivations
which r based on goals 1-3
r rooted in the cheating propensities of the false identifications,
which the awakened one does not want to spend his time supporting,
because s-he´d rather spend his-her time,
with the truly auspiciousness re-connection
nevertheless s.he may be inclined to help even those souls
who r covered by such inauspicious non-eternal motivations,
so that they may become aware of them
& in turn free from their resulting "unnecessary" sufferings.
also the awakened one wishes for every sleeping soul
to gain insight into the means of true auspiciousness
(which may be in stark contrast to what the conditioned soul
may think to be a source of fulfillment or happiness)
& to help them progress on the path to everlasting peace & joy.
the awakened souls like to help for free, but due to the entitlement fallacies and cheating propensities in the conditioned souls´ provisionary identities,
(which r based on their lesser love-understandings, due to the influence of the 3 material qualities, sattva, raja & tamas, see pic below),
the coachings for relative aspects of life up to sattva/virtue
should thus be estimated and evened out by some form of energy balance in work, goods or valuables which will in turn benefit the dreaming souls
in their awakening process
and support the livelihood of the awakened one, who is coaching them.
alignments regarding the realization of ones´ relation with the ABSOLUTE are generally speaking beyond the jurisdiction of karma
and therefor free of charges.
nevertheless also here a genuine xpression of estimation
thru valuables or work is highly beneficial for the student
for similar reasons as xplained above
(i.e. to avoid xploiting those who r situated in purer love consciousness)
& thus always recommended.
how valuable is the help or coaching of an awakened soul?
how much should one be willing to give in xchange for their help?
how much (if at all) should the awakened coach ask for/or accept?
the awakened one may ask for as much as s-he needs to maintain a descent livelihood (also in order to prevent the false ego´s attempts of xploiting the valuable time & energy
& to make sure that genuine estimation is present in the seeker).
asking for more would be a form of trying to xploite
the sufferings of the sleeping souls.
even though the value of his-her work is immeasurable
s-he will not ask for more then this,
so that everyone will be able to afford their support.
and if s-he sees the genuinuity of a seeker who is very destitute
& devoid of means for energy-balancing,
s-he may still decide to give further concessions.
the seeker of guidance or help however
shloud be well aware who s-he is approaching,
how valuable time is for the awakened one,
and thus be willing to give at least as much as
s-he is earning in the equal time span :-)
your comments or questions r as always most welcome :-)
may loving-Self-alignment be with u and all your parts
may all souls in all of G.O.D.´s countless universes
awaken to their eternal love nature
ys affectionately
Solbjoern Brajendra Nd