integral ways to awaken consciousness
of the love that u eternally are
Our coaching-system is based on the 7 (+2) chakras or layers of existence
as described in the ancient indian vedanta, tantra & yoga traditions.
For each of the nine layers we work with 9 modules,
which again are comprised of several sub-modules,
all of them re-designed by us,
& then combined for your individual journey
of ALL_Integral_Love_ExpansiOM
Summary Overview:
- Divine Personalized KARMA-FREE & SUPERFOOD-DIET (Life-WisdOM)
- Divinely Aligned Body-Posture-Meditation of 10 Incarnations
- Divine Living-Space Clearance (VASTU & HOMA)
- Integral Harmony Communication (IHC)
& Internal-Family-Alignment (IFA)
- Relationship Coaching (Relation-MIRRORS #7+2 & YOGA OF 9 RASAS)
- Awakening Divinely Inspired Creativity (INTEGRAL TANTRA)
- Loving-Self-Alignment Journeys (in 72+18 Abodes/LOKAS)
- Yoga Psychology, Dream- & Shadow-Works (GUNAS#3)
- Life Purpose & Success Coaching (SVA-DHARMA)
- 7 Generations Ancestral Empowerment
- Karma Clearing & The Oracle of Rama (RAM CHARIT MANAS)
- Personalized Sacred Geometry (YANTRAS, RUNES & COLOURS)
- Nine Divine Laws & Intelligence Rivers (5 aspects of BUDDHI & 14 NADIS)
- Healthy Breathing (PRANAYAM)
- The Way of Balance (DAO DE JING of Lao Tzu)
- Selfless-Work for GOD (NISHKAAM-KARMA-YOGA)
- Mind Observation (3 aspects of the MANAS)
- Heart-Space-Clearing (ANARTHA-NIVRITTI 4#4)
- Energetic TranceFormation (SHRI YANTRA VIDYA)
- Personalized Prayers (MANTRAS)
- Sacred Sound Appliccation (4 Levels of SHABDHA)
- Teachings of the Song of GOD (BHAGAVAD-GITA)
- Divine Sequencing & Timing (I-GING #64)
- Trance-Zen-Ding substitute identifications (AHAMAKARA)
- The Essence of Yoga (YOGA-SUTRAS by Patanjali Muni)
- Analysis of Divine Cosmic-Components (SANKHYA) &
5 Sheath of Existence (KOSHAS)
- Spiritual Counseling (JAIVA-DHARMA)
- Supreme Personal Divination (the Art of Sacred Inquiry/PRASHNA)
- OM-Love-Matrix-Alignment (Quantum Healing/SANKALPA)
- Crossing over the Boundary called Death (there is no opposite to life/JIVAN)
- Reverential Trance-zen-dance Counseling for Real Substance
- secret teachings of the path of spontaneous devotion
(RAGA-MARGA for the initiated)
- Most secret TranceZenDance Counseling
- the Land of SUPREME magnanimity (NAVADVIP)
- the land of SUPREME Sweetness (VRINDAVAN)
... and many more to provide specific & previously un-conscious,
new perspectives for your
personal loving-consciousness awakening situation.
For long standing problems we provide a detailed (interactive)
which can be done & re-applied in many different ways:
personal mantras & yantra, subliminal-suggestion,
programmed water or rock-salt-crystals,
audio-file mp3, personal recitation, holistic-tapping,
matrix-alignement-(meditation) ... etc.
... in order to align the subconsciousness
with a re-discovered Self-loving-attitude.
Deeply rooted in the experience that there is no random-chance
and that Divine-Consciousness is everywhere and knows everything,
when necessary we ask for permission and tap into divine-wisdom
thru dreams, meditation & or Supreme-Personal-Prayer-Divination*.
*(in Supreme-Personal-prayer-divination i connect with Supreme inner guidance thru prayer, then ask if we may serve as a channel for healing information & if the answer is yes, pose the question while chanting an appropriate mantra & cast the oracle, thus receiving the answer by number. because it is only wise divination, if we realize our actual, eternally subordinate position to the Supreme and thus give up the entitlement fallacy.)
May the innate Supreme-Divine-Love flow awaken
in all souls in all Their countless universes!
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